Covid-19 Information

Text Message
You will receive a text message or phone call the day before to confirm that you are well, and that no one in your household is exhibiting any symptoms of COVID-19.

Limited number of people
To limit the number of people in the practice we ask that where possible you attend your appointment alone. If a companion is necessary (for example with a child) it’s recommended that this is limited to one parent/carer.

arrive 5 minutes before appointment
To limit the number of patients in the waiting area we ask that you arrive at the practice no earlier than 5 minutes prior to your appointment time.

sanitise hands
On entering the practice, you will be invited to sanitise your hands with the hand gel provided.

face covering
Due to the nature of an eye examination our clinicians can not adhere to social distancing, for this reason they will be wearing Personal Protection Equipment (PPE). We also ask that you attend wearing a face covering, in line with current public health guidance.

eye tests
To reduce physical contact our Optometrist may adapt the eye exam by doing different tests than normal and only conducting tests that are clinically necessary.

appointment system
We will be implementing a pre-booked appointment system for the collection of glasses. When we advise you that your glasses are ready for collection, we will book you an appointment for the collection and fitting of your spectacles.

We look forward to providing you will the same standard of eye care that you have been used to. If you have any questions at all about the new practice experience, then please do not hesitate to contact our team.


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